Newton County Highways and Hedges (NCHH) Website Partners for Christ
Option A – Audio Sermons on CD (This Option converts your CD Audio to a Streamline Audio for the Internet)
First month FREE – you can send up to seven Audio Sermons on CD
Future months: You can put up to seven different Audio Sermons on a CD for $10 per month.
Mailing Process: You would mail up to seven audio sermons on CD to me each month with a check for $10 monthly (7 CDs per month * 12 Months = 84 CDs $10 Month *12 Months = $120 Year).
Mail to ADDRESS: Tommy Flud, NCHH Website, HC 32, Box 91, Hasty, AR 72640
Limitations: I will leave your Audio CDs on the NCHH Website for at least 3-Months. If you decide to stop sending monthly Audio CDs, I will leave your last 7- Audio CDs on the NCHH Website for 3-Months. Option A is subject to be modified as needed.
Editing: Your Audio CD Sermons will not be edited or changed without your written permission. I do highly recommend that you listen to your recorded Sermons on Audio CD before you send them to me for the whole world to hear because there may be a time that you said something that you want only your church to hear not the world.
If you want a Audio CD Sermon to be edited and you do not have the capability to edit it, you must follow these procedures:
1. I must have in writing the WORDS that you want deleted from your Audio CD Sermon.
2. I need to know approximately how far in minutes into your Audio CD Sermon where the WORDS are located that you want deleted.
3. I charge an additional $5.00 for each Audio CD Sermon that must be edited. For example, if you need one of your Audio CDs edited this month, your check to me would need to be $15.00 ($10 for the website and $5 for the editing of one Audio CD).
Disclaimer Statement: I must have your Disclaimer Statement signed and returned to me that states that NCHH Website is not responsible for the content on your Audio CD before I can add you to the NCHH Website. (Be sure to have a visiting preacher or teacher sign a disclaimer statement if you want their Audio CD on the NCHH Website.)
Each Audio CD that you mail to me should have the following information written on it with a black marker:
1. The Name of the Pastor, Preacher, or Teacher that is on the Audio CD
2. The Title of the Sermon that is on the Audio CD
3. The Date that the Audio CD was created
NOTICE: I will not be able to return your Audio CD copy back to you.
*No Singing at this time for Partners who join NCHH Website through the Internet process.
Since most of NCHH Sermons are Video Sermons, I have included an example of an Audio Sermon from a CD.
Click this Link for an Audio CD example: Jeremy Pooler - Paise without Limits 10-02-07 - AUDIO